Unfortunately the public school buses can no longer participate therefore this event has been canceled

our club's sponsorship of creighton middle school's visit to

the phoenix symphony

Harvard Alumni and Affiliates are invited to volunteer - please rsvp harvardclubofphoenix@gmail.com


Friday, May 17, 2024

9:00 am to 11:45 am

at the Phoenix Symphony

75 North Second Street - Phoenix, Arizona


This is a post-covid resumption of an age-old outreach tradition of the club.  As part of one of our charitable programs, we contribute to a morning of  beautiful music in the lives of middle schoolers, with an esteemed local celebrity to speak of the personal and cultural gain of staying in school. 

Attendees must work as instructed by the Symphony people handlers - Positions limited - Please email harvardclubofphoenix@gmail.com

We thank longtime board member David Tierney for his work bringing an old and rewarding tradition back to all our lives.

Photo of our last trip with Creighton school children above.