harvard's "Science and Cooking" Course: An Insider's Discussion with Professor Michael Brenner
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Time: 5:00 p.m - 6:30 p.m. AZ Time
Location: Virtual Event
Perhaps you have heard of Harvard’s wildly popular (think overflowing lecture halls and impossibly long waiting lists) course “Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter.” (For more recent alums who even took the course, there are those in the community who are jealous.) This megahit class, co-founded by Michael Brenner and rockstar chefs Ferran Adrià and Jose Andres, has excited tens of thousands of Harvard students (and hundreds of thousands around the world through the on-line version of the course) about mathematics and science - as seen through the experience of cooking.
Please join us for an insiders look at this course (and some cool science to do in the kitchen) with Professor Michael Brenner. For more fun, check out his newly published book “Science and Cooking: Physics Meets Food, From Homemade to Haute Cuisine.”
Michael Brenner is the Glover Professor of Applied Mathematics and Applied Physics, and Harvard College Professor at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. He developed the popular Harvard class, "Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter," with his colleague David Weitz and chef Ferran Adrià. His research uses mathematics to examine a wide variety of problems in science and engineering, ranging from understanding the shapes of bird beaks, whale flippers, and fungal spores, to finding the principles for designing materials that can assemble themselves, to answering ordinary questions about daily life, such as why a droplet of fluid splashes when it collides with a solid surface. He is also the recipient of multiple awards for teaching and mentorship including, for example, the George Ledlie Prize, awarded in part for his work as a remarkable teacher and mentor.
The Rocky Mountain Harvard University Club is pleased to host this event on behalf the Harvard Clubs of the Southwest Region.
Please register for the event on their website here
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