Drought has lowered Lake Mead to just inches above the point (set in the treaties about the Colorado River) at which drastic reductions will occur in the amount of River Water available to cities and agriculture in Arizona. Various plans are being proposed by the several different agencies which are involved in managing Arizona’s crucial flow of water. A lack of unity among the key players in our State seems to be delaying negotiation of a deal that could be reached with other States regarding the water. Solving this gnarly problem at the River will affect farmers and cities in our State in the near future. Come hear from the ‘top dogs’ in the field what the issues are and what a solution will do to life in our desert in the next five years. Program to begin at 7pm.

Speakers include:

  • Ted Cooke: Executive Director of the Central Arizona Project, the 360-mile long canal which carries water from the Colorado River all the way to Tucson.  
  • Tom Buschatzke: the Head of the Arizona State Water Department.
  • Ms. Rita Maguire: a long time water attorney experienced in all aspects of our water situation in Arizona, including the Districts that take down water from the CAP canal.

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harvard-forum-event-crisis-on-the-colorado-river-and-at-lake-mead-tickets-49123302119


11:30AM - 1:30PM Fri 28 Sep 2018, Mountain timezone


UBS Hall - Basement (Follow the signs)
4800 N Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

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