brad snyder, Harvard edM '96

HCPhx Education Series Part II:  Bullying and Child Wellness 

Incorporating lessons from his work on Cartoon Network’s award-winning "Stop Bullying: Speak Up!" Campaign, Brad unpacks acronyms and initialisms like WSCC (Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child), SEL (Social and Emotional Learning), and ACEs (Adverse Childhood  Experiences and childhood trauma), and explains how these movements work together to create learning environments that are stable, bullying free, and successful for students, families, and teachers.

In Steven Universe:  End of Era, creator and cultural icon Rebecca Sugar said about Brad’s insights on bullying:  “all of sudden everything became clearer.”  Brought to us by HCPhx board member James Ahlers.  This series continues our Early College Awareness mission.  Read more about Brad here

This small group discussion about raising children will be held by teleconference, with invitations sent to those who rsvp here